Zara is one of the largest international fashion brands in 2022. It is owned by Inditex – one of the world’s largest distribution groups. Since it is such a successful brand, it is often chosen as a subject for the case study by MBA students and others. Here are some of the major points that you can use in your essay rewriter paper.
SWOT Analysis of Zara
Zara strengths:
One of the major strengths of this brand is its unique design. They have a massive number of designers on board who understand the target market of Zara.
It keeps expanding its presence across the globe. It has more than 2,100 stores worldwide.
The brand is ranked number 41 by Forbes in its brand ranking. That’s because of Zara’s excellent brand equity.
Thanks to its strong supply chain, Zara can get its designs from conception to the stores in just 2 weeks.
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Zara weaknesses:
Zara does not specialize in any particular segment, which often compels customers to look for other brands that focus on one thing.
The brand does lack advertising.
At Zara stores, the stocks which are fast-moving rarely have a safety buffer behind them.
You can even check out a few solve my assignment of Zara to understand the weaknesses the brand has.
Zara Opportunities:
The brand can definitely take advantage of the online e-commerce trend.
It should keep some flagship designs at its stores for all seasons.
There is a rise in earning potential thanks to growing market potential.
It should keep an eye on the emerging markets.
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Zara Threats:
The brand’s low advertising may be the reason it cannot get as many new customers as other players in the market.
There is huge competition in the market from brands like commercial law assignment essay helpH&M, Vero Moda, Mango, etc.
Zara operates exclusively through its own stores. It needs to think about ways to increase its reach.
If you can focus on these points, you can prepare a quality SWOT analysis of Zara without anyone’s assistance.
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